We would like to thank the Baby Talk Magazine for “BabyTalk PapaMama Readers’ Choice Awards 2019” and honouring us with this award.
Well, this is a very proud moment for Woodie Pie as it took approximately 4 years to reach this milestone. But let me tell you, we didn’t walk alone; Here, we would especially like to thank the customers too, who believed in us and gave us continuous business which motivated us to work harder to give them the best in our capacity. It motivated us to do better for you and thus, we are here today receiving this award.
Below are the content of this magazine:-
[Immortalising Your Breastfeeding Journey, Beautifully
Breastfeeding is one of the most memorable experiences a mom can have, for it signifies the closest and most meaningful bond between mother and baby. Breastmilk itself is such a miraculous substance that no formula milk on this planet can replicate it. It’s a precious opportunity for mothers to breastfeed their babies, and it’s such a shame for a nursing mom to not commemorate it. Malaysian nursing moms are lucky to be able to immortalise this wonderfully gratifying experience through the expertise of the skillful jewelry makers at Woodie Pie, a company specialising in personalised breastmilk jewelry as well as other DNA keepsakes. Each piece of stunning jewelry is made from the client’s breastmilk using highly ethical practices in its preserving and solidifying processes to create quality jewelry every mom will be proud to wear. From the classic breastmilk charm pendant to more intricate and exquisite pieces, Woodie Pie makes mothers’ own breastmilk into timeless, meaningful keepsakes to be cherished for a lifetime.
www.woodiepie.com | www.facebook.com/woodiepie5 ]